12740 Hillcrest Road
Suite 230
Licensed in OK, TX
Taylor Yeates
Taylor Yeates was raised in Eastland, Texas, where he graduated from Eastland High School. Coming from a family deeply rooted in both ranching and the oil and gas industry, Taylor naturally gravitated towards these fields. Pursuing his passion, he earned a degree in Range and Ranch Management from Tarleton State University.
After graduation, Taylor ventured to Young, Arizona, where he started his career at the expansive Flying W Ranch, spanning 48,000 acres and specializing in both cattle ranching and hunting. Subsequently, in 2000, he returned to Texas to complete the Ranch Management program at Texas Christian University.
Since 2000, Taylor has been a Certified Professional in Rangeland Management by the Society for Range Management, boasting extensive knowledge in plant identification, soil, wildlife habitat, and animal health. He has amassed valuable experience in the day-to-day operations of cattle and wildlife ranches across various counties, including Eastland, Stephens, Palo Pinto, Val Verde, Terrell, and Throckmorton.
In 2003, Taylor made his way back to Stephens County, where he assumed leadership of his own ranch. Overseeing all aspects of its management, from livestock care to wildlife conservation, Taylor implemented innovative practices such as unconventional cattle rotation, range reseeding, and brush management, resulting in notable improvements to the ranch's operations. His dedication and proficiency earned him the Outstanding Rangeland Management Award from the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association in 2008 and the Region 5 Wildlife Conservationist Award from the Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Texas in 2014. Additionally, in 2008, Taylor graduated from the Texas Prescribed Burn School.
Currently residing in Albany with his wife Kelly and their two children, Hollis and Burkley, Taylor remains deeply involved in ranching. In 2019, he expanded his portfolio by acquiring a ranch in Throckmorton County. Leveraging his extensive education and hands-on experience, Taylor is committed to assisting clients in the ranch real estate market, utilizing his expertise to facilitate successful transactions and ensure client satisfaction.