Ask Blake Hortenstine
Hubbard Creek Ranch
Description: This is a good property for running cattle and hunting. Hubbard Creek runs through the property and is major creek in Stephens County. There are deer, turkey, and wildlife all over this property. Soils are good for growing grass as well.
Location: Located 7 miles north of Breckenridge, TX on Highway 183. There is .9 miles of Highway 183 frontage and property is on both sides of the highway. There is a road going under the bridge connecting both sides of the highway.
Directions: Go 7 miles north of Breckenridge on Highway 183. The property will be on both sides of the highway where Hubbard Creek goes under the highway. Gates are on both sides of the highway, but the primary entrance will be on your left before reaching County Road 274.
Terrain: There isn't much elevation change on this property. It is fairly level with swells and a little roll towards the creek. The creek is said to get out of its banks when Hubbard Creek Reservoir is releasing water. The higher ground is on the northern end of the property.
Vegetation: Mesquite and live oak country with riparian area along Hubbard Creek. The Hubbard Creek area is very diverse with mature live oaks, pecan trees, elm and a variety of other trees and shrubs beneficial to wildlife.
Water: Hubbard Creek goes through the southern portion of the property for 3500-4000 feet. The creek meanders on and off the southern boundary. This is a major creek with year around water below Hubbard Creek Reservoir. There is 1-2 stock tanks on the southwestern pasture. A subtle slough runs through the entire property with low areas seasonally holding water. The creek runs through both pastures on both sides of the highway.
Rural Water: Stephens County Special Utility District has a 6" waterline running down Highway 183 through the property. The line is located on the southwest side of the highway.
Wildlife: There is an abundance of whitetail deer, turkey, and hogs on the property. Fishing and ducks can be found on Hubbard Creek. There are also quail, dove, bobcats, coyotes, and other varmints. Hunting is excellent and trophy deer are in this area. It is believed some large bucks have been taken off this property and the neighboring property.
Cattle: Carrying capacity is approximately 1 animal unit per 25-35 acre. There are 1-2 stock tanks and Hubbard Creek provides livestock and wildlife with water.
Fencing: Perimeter fences are fair to good condition and will hold cattle. There are two pastures and they can be accessed under the Highway 183 bridge.
Electricity: Electricity is provided by Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative.
Neighbors: There is a 2000+/- acre ranch south of the property in addition to the West Central Texas Municipal Water District owning a nice tract of land SW of the property behind the dam of Hubbard Creek Lake. The neighboring ranch on the east side of the highway is 8000+/- acres with a wildlife management program in place.
Minerals: No minerals. There is one well on the far northern portion of the northeast pasture. There is no active oil & gas production on the southwest side of the highway. It is believed that the one well hasn't produced very profitably.
School District: Breckenridge ISD.
Legal Description: Approximately 320 acres in Abstract 0687, TE&L Survey, Section 1256 in Stephens County, Texas with frontage on Highway 183.
Broker Notice: All brokers must accompany their buyers on the first tour of the interior of the property to participate in the real estate commission. This is private property and the listing broker will accommodate showings and provide access to the property.
Comments: This property is an interesting place with Hubbard Creek running through it. Also, having great hunting and good neighbors are nice benefits.
Price: $2000 per acre ($640,000)
Contact: Blake Hortenstine, Broker, 214-616-1305 mobile