Ask Blake Hortenstine
Honey Creek Ranch
GENERAL: Honey Creek Ranch (original patent date of 1846) is a tranquil property at the top of the hill country with great hunting and grazing. The ranch home and barn are in a nice setting surrounded by big live oak trees with a nearby bass pond. Property is in a good area near charming Hico, Texas.
LOCATION: Honey Creek Ranch is located 6-7 miles West of Hico, Texas with 1/2 mile of frontage on FM 1744. Drive time from Dallas/ Ft. Worth 1 1/2 - 2 hours (Fort Worth is 70 miles/ Dallas is 105 miles).
DIRECTIONS: From Dallas or Ft. Worth go south on I35 to Highway 67. Take Hwy 67 past Cleburne and Glen Rose and then take Hwy 220 South to Hico. Go right on Hwy 6 West (Koffee Kup is on the right). Then take Highway 281 South approx. 1 mile to FM 1744 and go right toward Carlton. Go approximately 5 miles on FM 1744 and turn left on CR 125 (CR 125 dead ends into CR 122). Turn right on CR 122 and Honey Creek Ranch is the 2nd home on the right. Address is 2305 CR 122.
TERRAIN: Rolling hills, subtle ridges, live oak motts, year round Honey Creek, tributary of Honey Creek, improved and native pasture with heavily wooded areas. There is 100 feet of elevation change with scenic views. HCR is a diverse property with a little of everything.
TREES & GRASSES: Tree cover consists primarily of live oak, post oak, elm, redbud, hackberry, and cedar. Predominant native grasses are little and big bluestems, silver bluestem, Indian grass, buffalo grass, side oats grama, and Texas winter grass. Elbowbush, greenbrier, wild plum, grape, and redbud are also present and beneficial for wildlife.
IMPROVED PASTURE & CULTIVATION: Approximately 45 acres of prime coastal Bermuda is perfect for baling hay or grazing livestock. In a good year, three cuttings and 250 round bales are possible. Kleingrass and bluestem grasses have been established on the property as well. A small wildlife food plot could easily be planted in sunflowers and wheat to enhance dove and deer hunting.
HUNTING: Deer are plentiful and trophy bucks regularly inhabit this property. Quality whitetail genetics are enhanced when neighbor's high game fence is down during heavy flooding of Honey Creek. Turkeys are plentiful with creeks, roost trees, and feeding areas. Turkey hunting (only with camera) in the spring has been a favorite past time of the owner. Other game includes dove, quail, feral hogs, ducks, and a variety of predators such as coyotes and bobcats. This ranch has very little hunting pressure and isn't leased so wildlife is in excellent condition.
FISHING: Owner stocked all three ponds. The best pond is located behind the house and stocked with Florida bass and a variety baitfish. The other two ponds (long tank & wooded tank) also have good fishing per the owner.
HOME: Ranch home has a Victorian influence and was built in 1889. It includes two wood burning fireplaces, three bedrooms, two baths, and central heat & air. Home is 1384 square feet with an additional 606 square feet of covered and screened-in porches. The stove and refrigerator are included with the sale and other items may be negotiable.
BARN: Two stall horse & storage barn includes tack room, feed storage, wash bay, and workshop. The barn was built in recent years and is in good condition. Size is approximately 1200 sq. ft. inside with an additional 800 sq. ft. covered. It is a short walk from the ranch home and bass pond.
OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: There are 4 tower deer stands on the property (two single stands/ two double stands). A scenic, old barn near the home has a Texas flag painted on the tin roof adding character. Perimeter of the property is fenced as well as the coastal Bermuda field and home. 3 water wells are also in place.
HISTORY: Honey Creek Archeological site is on this ranch where an Indian camp was located. Galloway Selby investigated this site in 1978. Arrowheads and other items found are now at Balcones Research Center in Austin, TX.
WATER: There are 3 water wells providing water to the ranch home, the pond behind the home (stays full), and a watering trough on north end of the property. One well was drilled in 1978 and is 430 feet deep with 4 1/2 inch casing. All wells have submersible pumps and automatic floats. Three stock tanks never go dry. Scenic Honey Creek is immediately across from the house.
SCHOOLS: Hico Independent School District.
ELECTRICITY: United Cooperative Electricity (Stephenville).
MINERALS: Negotiable. The property is not leased and there is no oil & gas production.
CONTACT: Blake Hortenstine, 214-616-1305 mobile
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