Ask Jack Fauntleroy
Allen Ranch
Location: The Allen Ranch is located approximately 10 miles northwest of downtown Throckmorton, Texas off Highway 183 North in a secluded location. This property sits deep inside the famous SMS Swenson Ranch.
Directions: From downtown Throckmorton travel north on Hwy 183/283 towards Seymour, Texas to County Road 120. (Approximately 5 miles out of town.) Turn left or west on County Road 120, stay to your right at the intersections and continue to the end of CR 120 (about 4 miles) where you will see a set of white double gates. This is the entrance.
Terrain: The ranch features rolling terrain with hills running from east to west. There are big distant views from a high hilltop in the NW corner of the property above the western most field. This high hill top was a popular camping site for many cowboys on the Old Swenson ranch in years past. The hilltop overlooks a large creek where cattle find a reliable source of water. Native grasses are in excellent condition and the ranch is ready to be stocked with cattle.
Wildlife: Some massive trophy whitetail bucks have been harvested on the neighboring Swenson Ranch. Three deer blinds and feeders are set up and feeding, but the owner does not hunt the ranch. The wildlife is in excellent condition and the hunting is prime. There is no telling what kind of bucks could be harvested off this property. Dove, quail and duck hunting can also be fantastic. Hogs and Rio Grande turkey round out the variety of game that can be hunted.
Food Plots: There is a sixty five (65) acre field on the eastern side of the ranch in native grass that could easily be plowed and planted. There is another twelve (12) acre food plot on the western fence line that has been planted in sunflowers for dove hunting in the past. The owner mows strips in the fields and keeps the roads mowed as well.
Stock Ponds: There are 3 stock tanks on the ranch. The largest tank is located in the center of the ranch. It was reworked in the Fall 2013 and depth ranges from 18 feet on the south end to 8 feet on the north end. It was stocked with 50 Bass, 50 channel catfish, 250 copper nose bream and 1500 fathead minnows. The remaining 2 tanks are large as well and are excellent for duck hunting in winter months.
Improvements: There 3 quality broadcast deer feeders and tower blinds that can be included with an acceptable offer.
Leases: There are no hunting, cattle or farming leases and the ranch hasn't been leased since the ranch was purchased 4 years ago. There are no oil & gas leases affecting the property and no production.
Minerals: Seller is believed to own 25% of the mineral rights and 50% of the wind rights. Seller is willing to convey all mineral and wind rights owned with an acceptable offer.
Fences: Condition of fencing ranges from good to excellent. The perimeter of the property is fenced as well as the two fields.
Surveyed Acres: 198.339Acres
Jack Fauntleroy, Agent
Hortenstine Ranch Company, LLC
940-550-4432 Mobile
940-849-3170 Home